Monday, October 5, 2009


Perhaps you have heard of the 101 in 1001 phenomenon sweeping the net? Well, thousands of people across the world have embarked on goal setting projects- the idea being to complete 101 separate goals in 1001 days. Read more about it here.

I really love the concept of setting goals and doing things that you have always wanted to do, but unfortunately, I have too small of an attention span to set goals lasting for 2.75 years. So, I am going to work on a smaller scale. Introducing the 30 in 30 days plan! I am going to set goals I can complete in roughly a month- some simple, daunting chores I have been putting off.. some conceptual goals. The thing is, we all have "I'll do that later" lists. But later never comes.. and life always gets in the way. I hope to start a new list every 30 days and maybe even work up to a 1001 plan.

Here's my first list. I start tomorrow! Goals can be completed in any order.

1. wash my car
2. clean out my car
3. workout three days a week- every single week
4. make dinner at home Monday-Friday (cereal counts!)
5. refrain from eating fast food of any kind
6. take all of my meds/ vitamins everyday
7. go through my closet and make a donation pile (and then donate the pile!)
8. do my hair (for real) at least once a week
9. get my oil changed
10. read a book on my list
11. revamp one piece of furniture
12. finish sewing the kitchen curtains
13. have coffee with a friend
14. call extended members of my family just to chit chat
15. do something outside at least twice
16. carve a pumpkin
17. be more positive about a certain situation in my life
18. finish upholstering the ottoman
19. work out a savings plan
20. shoot at least one roll of film in my SLR
21. learn a new song on the guitar (all the way through!!)
22. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
23. go to bed earlier (10:30- no tv) during the week
24. update my blog at least once a week
25. wash my puppies twice
26. organize the piles of mail and create a filing system
27. pack my lunch everyday
28. make a list for the next 30 days
29. create a savings jar
30. have some actual savings in it by the end of the month :)

I'll come back and check them off as I go. Wish me luck!

<3 Sarah