Monday, March 7, 2011

Life Isn't Fair

There are a lot of things I don't understand about this world.. the biggest is why horrible things happen to great people.

I have the best friends on the planet. I know that's a cliche, but I proudly proclaim that I really do have friends in my life who I consider family. Even though they aren't flesh and blood, they are my brother and sister, they'll be an Aunt and Uncle to my children, and more than once (or even two, three, and four times) they have scooped me up out of the pit of despair, dusted me off, and glued me back together.

So why is it that these wonderful people who would do anything for a friend, give freely of themselves, and genuinely care about others are constantly dealt the hardest of heartbreaks? This I don't know. I don't know why the world is so cruel. I don't know why some suffer more than others.

Whatever the reason, my heart goes out to you two. I'm here for you in any way that I can be. Just like everything else, we will get through this. I like to think we're getting all of life's heartbreak out of the way now so that we can have many decades of pure joy ahead. Who knows?.. but here's to hoping.